If you think that living is much more than occupying a space, if you are looking for meaning and beauty in the little things that surround your days, if you think thatSardinian craftsmanship should still have a voice in the global economy and you would like to empower substantial change with good practices, keep reading these pages and follow the recommended steps to get involved in the design award.
Step by step
READ the announcement carefully, review the FAQ and share with us your queries, we will endeavor to reply promptly.
TRAVEL to Sardinia if you can, alone or with a group of colleagues and friends with whom you want to share this experience. Observe the territory, the lights and colors, the materials that surround you, breathe the air. Imagine Observe the territory, the lights and colors, the materials that surround you, breathe the air. Imagine
STUDY the cultural realities and watch the video interviews of some of the craftspeople who continue the tradition, or who may, on the contrary, have chosen to innovate craftsmanship products and processes. Learn more about sustainable production and tie it in with local know-how. Learn more about sustainable production and tie it in with local know-how.
Submit your application
To participate in the Sardegna Design Award competition it is necessary to fill in the form below, download the documents available at Step 1, you will here find the declaration of participation, which must be signed and uploaded at Step 2 by the 30th of November 2022. Remember that participation in the competition is free, single competitors or groups are admissible, and ensure that the attachments for the participation are included in the project envelope.
Download document
Sign up by entering your details, download the participation document and reload it in the next step
Create and send
CREATE your proposal according to the guidelines provided in the announcement, remember that you can participate with an individual or collective project as long as it is original, unpublished and with a sustainable approach.
SEND your project proposal within the given deadline, but first make sure it can answer this question: is my idea a connection between the realities of Sardinian craftsmanship and a designed product capable of competing in an international market?
reflect to create…
Think to do
Get involved